Learn more about InnoDB and find out why it’s already been chosen as the default MySQL database engine.
InnoDB is a storage engine for MySQL databases, which is used by widespread PHP script-based software apps such as Magento and Joomla™ 3.x. It is perfect for scalable apps, as it performs unbelievably well when managing immense amounts of data. Rather than locking the entire database table to append new information to a database as many other engines do, InnoDB locks only one row, so it can perform a lot more operations for the same period of time. Besides, InnoDB offers a much better database failure recovery and supports database transactions and foreign keys – a set of rules that indicate how data inserts and modifications should be treated. If a given operation hasn’t been fully completed for whatever reason, the action will be rolled back. In this way, the content in the database will remain undamaged and will not be partially merged with newly added content.
InnoDB in Cloud Web Hosting
Any open-source script-based app that needs InnoDB will run impeccably on our advanced cloud hosting platform and the storage engine is offered with all our cloud web hosting packages. Each time you create a MySQL database manually or our app installer creates one automatically and an app installation is initiated, the engine that the database in question will use will be selected in accordance with the app’s prerequisites without the need to update any setting in your shared account. InnoDB will be picked automatically for any application that requires this specific engine and you’ll be able to take advantage of its full capacity. We will create daily backups of your content, so if you unintentionally remove a database that is important to you or you overwrite some part of it, we will be able to restore your content the way it was only a couple of hours ago.